During 20 Years Campaign at the price of 1390 euros.
In addition to all KEEP and EDITOR functions, this level includes the main punching instruments (sewing, cords, fills, tatami, texts on predefined lines or defined by the user) with the options to personalize multiple inclinations and all the parameters.
Also, there are included: extended selection, versatile instrument for a knot modification and inclination of selected area, optons to import the vector files and images of the most known formats (plt, dxf, dwg, ai, bmp, jpg, etc..) and an internal curves management feature to create the complex forms with islands and empty parts.
Additional features include find a stitch transformation (from filling stitch and vice versus), object selection to modify the property quickly, form and dimension modification with eventual rotation and mirror, options to decide and modify the entrance and exit stitches of embroidery entity, draft compensation management, automatic corners management, automatic tack management with a possibility of detailed personalization, chenille and chain stitch storage and not latest possibility to visualize the embroidery in REAL MODE ( with yarn thickness simulation), simulator of step by step embroidery execution and measuring instrument to have always real object dimensions with high zoom levels.